Blog #3
What did you do this past week?
This past week I got the bulk of the Collatz project finished. I set up the gitlab, created issues, and implemented a working version of Collatz that passes all of the Hackerrank tests. Outside of just this class, I spent the majority of my time learning a framework called ROS. This framework is designed for working with robots, which is what I do in my research. In addition, my group and I also started collecting data for this research.
What’s in your way?
In my way currently is the daunting task of learning this ROS framework. It is so large and contains so many concepts I have not learned yet. I do have guidance from my research professor, but I have to figure many things out on my own. When I break it down, it is not too bad, but it seems as if every new thing I think I understand just reveals a new concept.
What will you do next week?
Next week I will finish up my Collatz project and hopefully be able to use our collected robot data for actual research. We are currently creating a neural network that will be able to segment robot trajectories across spaces. Our next pair of spaces are video space and joint space.
What was your experience of exceptions, references, and consts? (this question will vary, week to week)
I have learned these concepts before so they were not that confusing. The use cases that Professor Downing presented were very interesting. I will certainly be using these concepts in my future code.
What made you happy this week?
I am doing an online tutoring service and my tutee made very good progress this week. She seemed to have started to grasp the concepts very well.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
A tool that I have learned to love is Sublime’s SFTP. It allows one to edit remote files as if they exist locally. This is extremely helpful when working on assignments that must be ran on lab machines. This, in combination with SSH, allows me to work on virtually every assignment from my own machine. It allows you to browse remote files, create new directories, and change files.