Blog #8
Are you and your family safe and sound where you are?
Yes, after making sure that I didn’t have the coronavirus myself, I decided to go home since my parents were so worried. My parents and I have bought a decent amount of food so that we can limit our exposure to the public when we go out and buy groceries.
How do feel about your ability to finish the term completely online?
I have never really enjoyed online classes as I don’t feel that I am nearly as engaged in the learning process as when I am sitting in a classroom. Despite this, we are fortunate enough to be in the computer science major, which allows for a majority of our work to be done remotely or on our own devices. Having lectures be recorded is a luxury though, so I can rewatch lectures and not rely on my own notes. Most of my classes are fine as they transition online, but my research course is up in the air right now. Our work involved interacting with the robot and recording it, which are both now impossible. We are trying to do something with a simulation of the robot, but our work will be hindered nonetheless.
What made you happy this week?
Getting to see my parents and my dog again made me very happy. Knowing that my parents are safe in these dangerous times was very comforting. As a bonus, my summer internship informed me that the internship will happen, whether it ends up being online or in-person.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick-of-the-week is VSCode live. This extension in Visual Studios allows you to essentially make your code into a google doc. It allows multiple users to look at the code and edit it as they see fit. In addition, this can be used in tandem with an SFTP extension which allows you to edit files on a remote machine. Using these two extensions allows you and your group to work on a project together. It even includes voice chat. My favorite part of the extension is that you can create these “google doc” instances instantly and share them with a link.