Blog #10
What did you do this past week?
This past week, I have been doing a lot of competitive coding practice and learning new computer science languages and frameworks. I figured with all of this newfound time on my hands, I would expand the number of tools I have at my disposal. Outside of this personal development, I have started to get ahead of my homework that I have due next week.
What’s in your way?
In my way this week, was my research. After contacting my professor and my research group, we realized that we would basically have to rethink our entire approach to our research due to these circumstances. Outside of schoolwork, trying to stay productive is pretty rough when everything is done online.
What will you do next week?
Next week, I will try to finish or at least get a good chunk of the Darwin project done. Additionally, I am going to be learning a framework called Mujoco for my robotics research. We have to switch to this framework as what we were previously using is no longer accessible to us.
What was your experience of Test #1b? (this question will vary, week to week)
My experience with Test #1b was fine. Having group mates there in order to bounce ideas off of and get input from was nice. The difficulty of the test was about the same as Test #1a.
What made you happy this week?
Spending more time with my family made me happy this week. I have also tried to fix my sleeping schedule, as it was completely horrible during the extended Spring break. Sleeping at midnight instead of 3 am has definitely improved my lifestyle.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip-of-the-week is to do the 30-day Leetcode challenge. It is essentially just an event where a new problem is given out every day during the month of April. The difficulty of these problems is not too bad. Doing them definitely exposes you to new algorithms to accomplish complex tasks with very low running time.