Blog #4
What did you do this past week?
This past week I finished my data collection for my research course. We started looking into different forms of neural networks to achieve the kind of results we needed. In addition, I finished the bulk of Project 1 for my AI class. We developed an algorithm for efficient path planning in a Pacman environment.
What’s in your way?
This week, there was not really much in my way.
What will you do next week?
Next week, I have a test in my algorithms course. I will need to prepare for that as I am not well versed in my proofs of correctness for dynamic programming algorithms. I will also start on Project #2 for this class.
What was your experience of Project #1: Collatz (the problem, the overkill requirements of submission, etc.)?
My overall experience of the Collatz project was positive. Even though the problem was very easy to solve overall, using the various frameworks was interesting and new. For example, GitLab was a very useful tool that I have never tried. It had a very intuitive interface and provided a logical workflow. In addition, the makefile made using the various tools very easy.
What made you happy this week?
This week, finishing the bulk of my artificial intelligence project was fairly satisfying. Also competing in the UTPC competition was also interesting as it had problems that were unlike I have ever seen.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My pick-of-the-week is Terminator. While working on a project that requires you to have multiple terminals open at the same time, Terminator is a very helpful tool. Instead of having multiple terminal windows, you can have it all in one window next to each other. I first started using Terminator because when I had multiple terminals running, it was very annoying to switch back and forth between them, especially if I was also looking at documentation on the side. Terminator is already on the CS lab machines, so I recommend for use whenever you need multiple terminals for any project/assignment.